Six dog-friendly trends you need to try in 2019
The New Year is always a great time to try new things, make new promises and finally attend that fitness class you’ve been contemplating for months, but why not make your pooch a part of this year’s resolutions? With a host of new fur-friendly trends taking over Australia, it’s the perfect time to try something different with your four-legged friend, and we have plenty of ideas in mind!
Go for a doggie date at a dog-friendly cafe
Lux Foundry, Melbourne
With more and more cafes welcoming Australia’s furry population, it’s about time you treat your pooch to a doggie brunch date if you haven’t already! These days, cafes are offering all sorts of quirky perks for their four-legged patrons, from puppacinnos to doggie donuts and everything in between. If you’re keen to share your caffeine fix with your canine companion, check out our blogs on the best dog-friendly cafes in Perth and Melbourne.
Join a dog exercise class
Pups on Sups, WA
If you’ve made it your New Year’s Resolution to stay fit and healthy in 2019, why not bring your pup along for the journey? And no, we’re not just talking about regular morning walks! A growing number of businesses are coming up with weird and wonderful ways for owners to get their fitness fix with their pooch by their side, from classic doga to sports as obscure as stand-up paddle boarding.
Go on a dog-friendly getaway
Yallingup Lodge Spa Retreat, WA
With more and more pet owners travelling with their pooch in tow, an increasing number of hotels are embracing pet-friendly philosophies and opening their doors to guests of the furry variety - a trend we are well on board with at Pooky & Boo! With luxury offerings such as dog-friendly spa retreats, puppy pampering and exclusive pet-friendly floors, we think staying in a dog-friendly hotel is the paw-fect way to give your pup the break they deserve in 2019!
Try new pet products
Pupcakes by Frankie Loves
As we become more conscious of the perks of fresh and healthy snacks for ourselves, it’s only natural we’ve also become more aware of what we feed our furry friends. Luckily, there are plenty of local producers out there catering to the needs of Australia’s four-legged population, many of whom are embracing new tongue-wagging trends in the form of pupcakes, personalised biscuits and barkday surprises. If your pup is marking any special milestones this year, this could be the perfect way to treat them!
Organise a photoshoot for your pooch
Pet photography by Furry Hearts photography
If you’re anything like us, your pup is no doubt a regular feature on social media, but did you know that specialist pet snaps are now a thing? If your fur-friend is missing from your family photo or you want a new way to pay homage to your favourite hound, a photoshoot with a pet photographer sounds like a great way to update your family prints with plenty of fun along the way!
Attend a dog-friendly wedding
Pet wetting attendant, Barks in the Park
Okay, so this one might only apply if you’re tying the knot in 2019, but it’s a trend that’s gaining increasing popularity amongst pup-loving couples and their canine companions. If you’re set to say the big “I do” in 2019 and you don’t want to leave the most important member of your fur-family behind, it makes more sense to take them with you! From ring-bearer to best dog or a simple paw of support, there are plenty of ways to get your pooch involved in the big day, and there are even specialist pet wedding attendants to ensure your best mate arrives to the ceremony on time.
Treat your pup with Pooky & Boo
The new year is always a great excuse to refresh your home interiors, so why not start the year off on the right foot with new decor for your pooch too! Pooky & Boo is a pet homewares company designed for the interior-savvy pooch. Inspired by a love for our furry friends, our unique range of handcrafted dog beds are designed to add style, pattern and texture into the modern, pet-friendly home. To view our latest range of designer dog beds, visit the Pooky & Boo website.